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Under 18`s Are Accepted

Hello, my name is Glenn Wilson. Since 2000 I have conducted over 1,800 Medico-legal Psychological assessments and I have provided many thousands of hours of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. 

I use short-term, solution focused therapies such as CBT and Hypnotherapy to teach you the techniques to solve your own problems so that at the end of therapy you will be better equipped to deal with inevitable future life problems.

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 Call Us Now 07794 222794 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a short-term solution focused psychological intervention in which you, the client, learn a number of "what works coping tools to learn to manage and overcome your own problems. After the initial free session I will be able to indicate the time scale of the therapy required. The timescale will be weeks not years as in the case of counselling.